

Leaf salad is considered a specialty of the Central Highlands in general, but having the opportunity to enjoy Kon Tum Leaf Salad, you will see all the mountain forests in this strange dish. It seems that the Dak Bla river flows backwards and bends at the foot of the majestic Ngoc Linh mountain has nourished the green forest - the endless source of raw materials for Kon Tum leaf salad.

In Kon Tum mountain town, there is a street specializing in leaf salad business serving local customers as well as tourists in the Central Highlands . As the name suggests, this dish is composed mostly of leaves and forest vegetables. "Hunger to eat vegetables, pain to take medicine", it is said that leaf salad appeared from the time of hunger, to eat forest vegetables instead of rice. That may be true, but cuisine is also an art that people always know how to create to create delicious food. And salad is a powerful demonstration of that creativity.

Salad is "right" to achieve the number of vegetables: css to 40-50 types. From familiar types such as shrimp, onion, basil, crucian, apricot ... to the leaves in the home garden such as cloves, figs, mangoes, guavas, intestines, five spices, envelopes, leaves guise, crab clams, ground tamarind, coriander leaves, coriander leaves, cilantro, living life, climbing vines, giang leaves, licorice soil, sam vegetables, sassafras, etc. and many Central Highlands forest leaves without many people know the name. Like other dishes, leaf salad also has a "filling" to wrap and dipping sauce - the soul that makes up the rich taste of the dish. "Human" is boiled bacon. boiled shrimp, pork skin ...

To make this dish, the chef must master the technique of boiling the meat so that it is just cooked, chopped into thin slices of both meat and fat so that it will not be bored when eaten. Fresh copper cloves are so bright that their heads are hard, boiled red. In every season, there are more fresh fish dishes. In particular, the sauce is a sauce made very carefully according to its own recipe. Glutinous rice is cooked to ferment, when it arises aroma is cooked with dried shrimp, bacon and pureed this mixture. Pan on hot oil, fragrant onion and add the mixture, add batch, satay, spices and stir well to cook until simmer. In Kon Tum, skilled chefs do not need to taste, but just hear the aroma to know whether the sauce has reached or not.

So the salad party is ready, just presenting guests. Look at the colors alone the display tray found attractive. Between the tray of green vegetables and coolly surprised young leaves, there are dishes of meat, fish, shrimp, teal ... Young green, smooth burgundy of leafy vegetables, pink and white flesh, au red shrimp, yellow sauce ... There is no shortage of pepper and salt salt disc. For the first time customers enjoy leaf salad, the owner enthusiastically instructs how to pack the leaf salad properly: first take a large leaf of vegetables or apricot leaves as a rolling leaf, add a few types of herbs, leaves sour depending on the taste of the person eating, rolled into a small funnel, drop a few slices of meat, shrimp, pork skin ... into the "funnel" chan little sauce on top of a little more pepper and salt. Skilful people "work" book neat, while unfamiliar people do not look good looking okay. Put the leaf in your mouth, bite the dangerous chili,

Leaf salad is particularly attractive to customers because each roll uses different types of leaves, giving different flavors: sour and sour of mango buds, toad leaves, grapefruit leaves; Bui Bui Apricot Leaves; leafy guava leaves; aromatic leaf brooch ... People also call leaf salad as a medicine dish because there are many types of vegetables as good medicine. For example, the leaves are acrid, the leaves have seeds that treat cancer. Lagerstroemia leaves treat perspiration, headache, back pain and arthritis. Wormwood has a sweet taste and has a cooling effect, relieving stomach aches and aches. Green and red apricot leaves aid digestion, treat stomach aches. Leaves live hemostatic cough. The strange, rustic and delicious taste of Kon Tum leaf salad not only conquers diners from near and far, but recently with famous specialties such as La Vong grilled fish, Hoi An high floor, My Tho noodles , Chau Doc fish noodles,
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