
Incubator with SAPA culinary specialties

Incubator with SAPA culinary specialties
Traveling to Sapa, tourists not only enjoy a vacation with a great climate, shimmering, mysterious and captivating scenery, but also enjoy delicious specialties of local people. .

 Pigs steal armpits
If first heard the name "swine armpits", surely many lowland people will not understand, but to the Northwestern farmers, especially for Lai Chau people know it is a specialty that makes up Unique taste can not be forgotten once enjoyed. Swine armpits or some areas called mezzanine pigs are specialty pigs found in highland areas, especially Lai Chau. This breed was born due to backward breeding habits of ethnic minorities such as Ho Mong, Thai, Dao ... The main form of farming is natural grazing, so pigs are very slow to grow. On average, only 10 to 15 kg, the big one is also about 20 kg. Because pigs are not too heavy, local people often go to the market to carry them, carry them and carry them to their armpits so they are called "pigs steal armpits".

If you want to make delicious armpits, it must be enough to make two big ones. It is then scraped off, split into pieces to be processed into a delicious dish. Can cook many dishes from underarmed pork such as: bacon, butt meat used for steaming, meat from shoulders or more used for baking, meat pieces, belly used to simulate civets, hearts are made clean to boil, strain the bones and then process them into wings. Eating underarm pork is no different from eating wild boar because its meat is very delicious, almost no fat, any piece of fat is not tired.

Tourists come to Lai Chau, often looking to buy armpits, because the price is not too expensive and safe and delicious, those are the reasons that despite transportation, many tourists still try to bring back as gifts. What's more interesting in the cold weather is sipping corn wine by the fire and enjoy the wonderful taste of stealing armpits.

Five-color sticky rice
In Lao Cai, each ethnic group has a unique traditional cultural capital that creates a colorful flower garden. In particular, the traditional culinary culture of the Tày people, is clearly expressed through the taste of five-color sticky rice. Xoi colorful of Tay people includes: Red, crimson, yellow, brown, purple. The Tày people perceive colored sticky rice as symbolizing the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, earth. If the sticky rice of someone who prepared the standard and beautiful colors is considered a skillful person, prospering business.

The ingredients for making five-colored sticky rice include: glutinous glutinous rice, the seeds are not mixed, mixed with forest trees (shriveled, black-colored) to dye, depending on the type of leaves and the preparation to create. 5 different colors, creating delicious and attractive sticky products. Before staining the sticky rice, clean glutinous rice is soaked in water for 6-8 hours to allow the rice grains to have a moderate bloom. Divide the rice into five parts, each with a corresponding color: if the red sticky rice uses leaves (cou), but the preparation and incubation time are slightly different. Particularly purple and brown sticky rice made from trees (black chew), before crushing the small leaves, the fire is withered, then mixed with ashes of the fruit, filtered with water mixed with glutinous rice, when the sticky sticky rice is yellow . Five-colored sticky rice is not only delicious, greasy and attractive by the color and substance of the leaves of the forest trees, but also has a good healing and improving health effect.

Eel porridge
Eel porridge is one of the specialties of Sapa. Sautéed eel with turmeric, chili, shallot. Eel spine pounded to get porridge water. Hot eel porridge served with cilantro can feel all the delicious, spicy and attractive flavor.

For farmers, eels are so familiar and simple. Out to the city, appear in the restaurant, the eels become specialties with sophisticated ways of processing ... Eel porridge is one of the specialties of Sapa mountains. Not only people in Sapa love this porridge, but people in many other countryside also know the language and do not miss the opportunity to enjoy when conditions permit.

Cooking a pot of delicious eel porridge requires skillful and meticulous hands of housewives. Eel is cleaned, boiled, removed meat. According to gourmet experience, people do not dissect eel with a knife but use a bamboo stick to avoid the fishy taste, the pot of cooking eel dishes is also a clay pot, not a copper pot or aluminum pot. Eel sauteed with turmeric, a little chilli, pepper, especially indispensable stems only grow in Sapa area, tiny onions but with a characteristic pungent aroma.

Sapa eel porridge does not stir-fried eel meat to dry hunting like eel porridge in Hanoi. The piece of eel is intact, still soft, sweet, imbued with the pungent aroma of onion, chili, pepper, iridescent yellow color of turmeric, green spots of the green onion, just looking is enough to see the attraction. Eel spine is pounded and filtered for water to porridge. Rice congee porridge choose delicious rice, add a little more glutinous rice to match. The cleverness of the people here is to cook porridge to keep the whole grain of rice but simmer without crushing or grinding rice. Porridge security very carefully, the rice grain sprung, not thick, nor be too thin. When eating, eel mixed with porridge, spice, pepper, chili ... depending on your preference, eat some tops of coriander as attractive. Eat hot bowls of porridge, sweat on the forehead, although in the middle of summer should also use a bowl of hot green tea water for dessert to feel the interesting, unique feature of Sapa eel porridge.

Lam rice
Anyone who has ever toured Sapa will never forget the presence of Com Lam everywhere in the meals. From restaurants, hotels, to street food stalls ... all serve this unique dish.

To cook lam rice, the Sa Pa people cut a piece of neohouzeaua or bamboo tube (called "vau"), communicate, wash it. Neohouzea or bamboo tube must be non-old, non-young, recently aged bamboo shoots. Cut the bamboo pipe a long piece of rubber, put the upland sticky rice - sticky rice grown on the terraces - into it. But if you want to make delicious rice tubes, have to soak sticky rice in water for about two hours. Add three portions glutinous rice, a pinch of salt and two parts cold water. Close the top of the tube with a banana leaf roll, place it on the fire.

Baked rice is not simple, must watch fire and constantly turn the tube, so that the rice in the tube "cooked" to meet the requirements. When eating, cut the rice into small pieces This way, it is easy to remove the bamboo bark while keeping the thin ivory silk film inside the bamboo tube attached to the rice. Com sesame salt (sesame salt) rice was delicious because of the aromatic taste of sticky rice and the smell of sesame salt attached to the teeth.

River fish
Sa Pa is not only a land of beautiful natural scenery, cool and fresh climate but also a place with many dishes with a mountainous flavor that is particularly popular with many tourists. Among them are the fish dishes of Muong Hoa and Muong Tien brought to the market of the market.
Stream fish has many types and it is worth mentioning that there is no fishy taste. Eating stream fish just grilled over charcoal, then eat immediately or grilled, bring fried and fried with tomato sauce and curry powder spices, pepper powder is on the tray of rice has a delicious dish .
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